Just Keep Writing!
Many of you have come to this website because you are in need of help with your academic writing. Perhaps you have great ideas and are quite knowledgeable about your topic or area of interest, however you struggle with how to best convey these ideas in writing. In my years of academia and working with students at all levels, I have found that common concerns with student papers have been organization and structure, clarity in expression of thoughts, correct word selection, and consistency in correct grammar and syntax. In addition, students often make unsubstantiated statements to support their position without referencing the scientific literature. Sometimes, in the quest to ensure that their paper is scholarly, students often forego simplicity for verbosity and complexity. This actually makes their paper less clear and more difficult for the reader to understand.
Academic writing is a skill that is learned and refined through practice. I have witnessed students who have entered graduate programs with marginal writing skills and have graduated having completed theses, dissertations, and published manuscripts. The key often is found in reading other’s scholarly works, seeking mentorship with a seasoned writer, being persistent, and above all continuing to write. As I proofread, edit your papers, and provide helpful advice, you will find yourself improving in all aspects of your writing. No matter what, just keep writing!